Selena Gomez “Happier” With Justin Bieber Than The Weeknd Is Made-Up Claim

Selena Gomez Happier Justin Bieber
(Getty Images)
A new report about Selena Gomezbeing “even happier with Justin Bieber than The Weeknd” is simply made-up. The claim comes from a site that has been repeatedly caught fabricating stories about Gomez. Interestingly, just a few months ago, the same outlet pretty much insinuated that she was happier with The Weeknd.

This tale about Gomez being “happier” with Bieber comes courtesy of the serial fibbers at HollywoodLife, a site that Gomez herself has singled out for lying about her. According to the often discredited outlet, being back with Bieber has been a “better experience than when she was in relationship with The Weeknd.” In an attempt to lend credence to its concocted report, the blog alleges it has a “source close to Selena,” who maintains Gomez is “much happier with Justin than she ever was with The Weeknd.” The same source bizarrely then asserts, “Things between Selena and Abel were difficult.”
Gossip Cop is not disputing that Gomez and Bieber are currently happy together. However, no one “close to Selena” is feeding stories to a site that Gomez publicly called “the worst” because of its penchant for making up false reports about her. Additionally, no real insider calls Gomez’s ex-boyfriend “The Weeknd” in one sentence and then “Abel” a couple of phrases later.
But the biggest problem for HollywoodLies, as it’s known, is itself. Just a few months ago, the website basically said the complete opposite. In another manufactured article that it titled, “Selena Gomez & The Weeknd: Why She Feels Like He’s Her Person,” the habitually disproven outlet wrote, “Gomez is so happy and secure in her relationship with The Weeknd that he’s given her the most confidence she’s ever had.” The blog further stated, “After her rough years dating Justin… she’s found true love and deep happiness with The Weeknd.” It then quotes yet another seemingly made-up “source” as saying, “Selena feels like she’s found her person… She is so grateful to him, he’s shown her what real love is.”
Selena Gomez Justin Bieber The Weeknd
And that’s not all. ORANGECITY  also busted HollywoodLies a few months ago when it swore up and down that Gomez was thinking about “marriage and children” with The Weeknd. The site even claimed a “source close to Selena” told it that she fully “expects The Weeknd to be her man for the rest of her life.”
Basically, the blog seemingly makes it all up on the fly, and pretends it hasn’t published a collection of falsehoods in the past. From what Gossip Cop has been told by a confidante of hers, no one in her inner circle is talking to that outlet and Gomez would probably be much “happier” if HollywoodLife stopped crafting one fake news story after another about her.
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Selena Gomez is even happier with Justin Bieber than she was with The Weeknd
