Check out this guy's legendary response after catching his girlfriend cheating

Thousands of people on Twitter have been following the breakup of a young couple in Argentina, in a true story which should definitely turn into the next Kate Hudson romcom.

Call it destiny, or pure chance, this couple went to the same party, each on their own, both of them unaware of the other’s presence.

Mariano spotted his girlfriend making out passionately with another guy and decided to take a selfie of the uncomfortable moment, just inches away from the action.

The unlucky girl did not know she was caught red handed until she saw the post on Twitter.

The post, which now has over 70k likes, featured a picture of the steamy moment with the caption: “My girlfriend (now ex) did not realize we came to the same party.”

Mariano, a 20 year old from the province of Quilmes, got bombarded with messages asking for the follow up of the story, and he sure delivered.

In another post he wrote, “No pensaba subirlo pero me insistieron tanto… sean felices.”

Which translates, “I didn’t want to post this, but you people were so insistent. Have fun.”

Before proceeding to share a screen capture of the conversation that lead to their definitive split.

“Baby, I don’t really know how to tell you this, I haven’t stopped crying,” his groveling-ex begins.

“…this guy insisted a lot and well, he said to me so many things and I really don’t know how I got to that.

“I really never wanted to hurt you, and the fact that you were there and saw the whole thing, and on top of it all took it in good humor, it’s blowing my mind.”

In an unexpected turn of events, Mariano revealed on Twitter that his girlfriend, well, ex-girlfriend, got so drunk at the party he ended picking her up and taking her home.

Apparently, she was so wasted she doesn’t remember any of it.

“I don’t know when you got there, I don’t have a f***ing clue of how you took the picture and I don’t remember ever getting into your car.

“You took me home, that’s cool. But when I woke up and saw my Twitter feed I got mad because it wasn’t necessary to upload it and leave me in a bad spot in front of so many people, making me look like shit when who provoked all this was that guy”

Mariano answered with a succinct, “You could have made a bit more of an effort.”
