Actress Linda Ejiofor's Husband Reveals What She Does To His Boxers

Tinsel actress, Linda Ejiofor appears to be sharing the same boxers with her husband and their romance progresses. Linda Ejiofor and Ibrahim Suleman

Linda Ejiofor and Ibrahim Suleman

Seems as though actress Linda Ejiofor doesn't allow her husband Ibrahim Suleman's boxers to rest, and he has taken to Twitter to 'complain'.

According to him, she has turned all his boxers to house shorts, and toxic masculinity will not allow him pay her back. Lol!

"This woman has turned ALL my boxers to her house shorts sha. Worse, Toxic masculinity will now not let me do her back by using all her undergarments as house wear. It is a woman's world for real for real," he tweeted.

He has been advised to also rock her gowns like cross-dressers do.
